Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Tropical Fun(Game Programming)

For Game Programming we had to make a basic top down game set on an island. In my game you play as a tank and must collect as many cookies before the timer runs out.

Simple yet at some points the i couldn't get the game working as well as i would have liked too. First thing thing i did was map out the terrain and add basic water, then started to texture the terrain mostly sand and gravel textures for mountains. Then i began modeling some objects inside of 3dsmax. I created a Tank, Cookies, and a Pyramid. had some trouble applying textures on the objects.

The cookie texture wasn't working, texture was looking crushed, had problems with scaling the objects but got the right sizes in the end. had all lot problems with code couldn't get GUI working until the end and had to reprogram the box on the tank worked in the end.

end result still needs a little work on the code.          

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